Monday, January 17, 2011

Now it's my turn!

For those of you who know Kristi, you have followed her blog. Now it's my turn to blog about her. I have known Kristi since high school, maybe even jr. high. When she contacted me back in December to ask me if I would come over during Christmas weekend and take a family picture for her Mom. It had been awhile since they were ALL together and of course, I said yes. A few days after I set this up with Kristi, her sweet mom called me. When I had confirmed with her that I would be more than happy to do these for her, the excitement in her voice made my heart melt. This family oozes love for one another. They are so close yet miles apart. Wow, that kinda sounded like an 80's power ballad. All joking aside, I'm so honored they let me into their lives for 1 hour to give them something to last a lifetime. Thank you Kristi.

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