Monday, January 17, 2011

God Bless the Broken Road

A few years ago I heard a song and immediately thought of these people. Meet Beth and Jeff, and their beautiful children. I have never seen two people more in love with each other. I have sat and thought about this post for a really long time. They both have been down broken roads. Some that, at times to them, would never end. I have seen this relationship overflow with nothing but love for each other and God. I thank him everyday for bringing these six in my life. Beth first, whom I am honored to call my sister-in-law. She has shown me the true meaning of family and I love her to pieces. Emily second. Whom I've had the chance to get to see grow from a little baby to the beautiful young woman that she has become. Then Little Nathan third. This little guy is quiet but has left a huge footprint on my heart. Then Jeff. WOW! He is an amazing husband and father that has a true passion for his family and God. Then Mitch and Evan. These two have a very special place in my heart. Mitch is my little Abercrombie model and football stud. Evan is my little man with a BIG heart. I'm so grateful to have all of them in my life. All 6 of the Shadey Bunch.
"That God blessed the broken road. That led me straight to you"

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