Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My sweet baby girl.....

My sweet baby girl is getting so big. Where does time go? One minute they are depending on you for everything. And then, in a blink of an eye, they act like they don't need you. This is Madelyn's last year in "middle school". Am I ready for this?

Wow...I really needed to catch up

Wow, I am so far behind on blogging. With the holidays approaching, finding the time might be far and few between. SO, I am going to get caught up a little bit. These two boys kept me on my toes. I enjoyed every minute of it! Thank you Kamm Family....

Dear Baby Gap,

Dear Baby Gap,
I have found your newest spokesperson. Miss Ava is bubbly, sweet, and absolutely beautiful. I have enclosed a picture of her. And as you can see, you won't have to interview anyone else.
Thank you.

And Baby Makes Five

I love taking newborn pictures. And of course when Ann called me to take their newest additions, I immediately said yes! I met Ann my freshman year of high school in Spanish class. Over time, I got the honor of taking her and Dustin's wedding pictures. A few years later, Precious Ava came along and I got to take her newborn pictures. Timing didn't work out for me to do Simon's. Now Baby Joseph. Thank you Ann for letting me be a part of the most important steps in your life. My love to all of you.