Wednesday, October 27, 2010

One more of Little "T"

Just had to post one more of Baby Tanner. How could you not? Enjoy.

"T" is for Tanner

I had the opportunity to take this little angel before she was here. We decided to take "T" pictures as she grows. So here she is thus far. Before and at 2 weeks. I can't wait to see this little girl grow. As we all know, the "T" won't. What an awesome idea. Hopefully, I will get the privilege to take these over the next year.

Pumpkins, M&M's, and Trucks...Oh My!

It took trucks, M&M's and pumpkins to keep this little man focused. He had me laughing the whole time. Sometimes I think he acts like his mother :) He definitely holds a special place in my heart.

Zebra print + Tu-tus

This little diva took a little while to get used to me, but by the end she was having a blast. I had so much fun with this shoot. From the tu-tu to the Marilyn Monroe wanna-be. I just couldn't get enough.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Two Brothers (and a puppy)

This is not my first adventure with these two guys. It has a been awhile and boy have they grown. I love taking these two boys' pictures! This year they added another member to the family for me. Just makes my heart smile.

I Heart You....

Alexis and Jeremy won my heart a month ago when they came to me wanting to hire me to do their wedding. They are IN LOVE!!! I have never met a funnier couple then these two. They had so much fun laughing and goofing around. Can't wait to do the wedding!

Itty Bitty

This beautiful baby girl made her entrance into to world a little sooner than her Mom wanted. We had plans to do "belly pictures" the day that I took these. But as you can tell, no belly to take pictures of. So instead, I got these wonderful shots of little Maylee. Enjoy the sneak peak.